Ellio Martina guitars and basses are handmade according to very high standards of craftsmanship based on more than 30 years of experience in the art of luthiery. Carefully selected, very well seasoned woods and only high quality parts are used.
I offer a range of standard models with a wide variety of different tonal woods to meet your personal demands towards the desired sound and appearance. From my experience in building musical instruments, I can help and advice you in making the proper choice towards your future guitar or bass. Several personal preferences like the shape and width of the neck, can be applied without any extra charges on custom order.
My entire approach is to deal directly with musicians and I welcome the opportunity to speak with you personally. If you have any further guitar or bass related questions, feel free to call or e-mail me. You can reach me by phone from Monday through Saturday, 9 AM to 6 PM (local time), and by fax or e-mail, 24 hours a day.
If you like to try out one of my guitars or basses, I invite you to visit my shop in Eefde. You will be able to try and play an instrument in a relaxed atmosphere and have all your questions answered. I try to keep at least one instrument of each type I build in stock.
Below you will find a map showing where you can find my shop. If you intend to visit me, please call me to make an appointment before coming.
On these pages you will also find information about "The BassMute", an innovative muting device for bassplayers.
Further you will find information on repairs (in Dutch), instruments that I have in stock, prices and other related items. Just browse the menu to get there.
I hope you enjoy reading this Website and thank you for visiting.
Ellio Martina
Ellio Martina Guitars